Are you considering upgrading your Jeeves ERP?

Are you and your collegues considering to upgrade your Jeeves ERP? We have gathered information about how an upgrade project is done and some other information that might be of interest.

Do you want to know more? Your contactperson at Jeeves can give you more information!


Your contact person?

Send an email to us and we will give you the contact information to your contact person.

6 reasons

Why you should upgrade (PDF)

Version broachyr

Read more about version 6 (PDF)


6 reasons

6 reasons why your company should upgrade to Jeeves ERP version 6

Jeeves ERP version 6 is the next generation cloud-based ERP-system for medium-sized companies. As a Jeeves customer, you understand that your ERP...


The future of Jeeves ERP

The future of Jeeves ERP



What is demanded of Jeeves in the future - and where are we headed? At the Jeeves Industry eXperience event in Stockholm, Jeeves Product Director...
Namnlös design-Jul-14-2021-12-40-10-96-PM

Have an ERP-projekt? Fear of commitment is not an option

Anyone who has taken part in a major company venture is familar with the many pitfalls that can distupt the process, from planning to execution. The...

