Enterprise Resource Planning in the Next Wave of Transformation

Enterprise Resource Planning (’ERP’) software is the single most important component of the IT architecture for most businesses, both in terms of costs and value creation. The Swedish ERP market turned over some 12 billion SEK in 2020 distributed across all delivery forms1 and ERP spend is expected to grow substantially in 2021 as the economy recovers. As we enter a ‘new normal’, aggregated demand for digital transformation will put ERP at the centre of attention.

ERP  i det nya nromala

This paper will examine the applications of a ‘new normal’ from the perspective of ERP software. We will analyze general trends and vertical trends in three industry sectors. Radar regards the pandemic as an accelerator of already existing long-term patterns. Trends discussed in this report are forecast to continue to be relevant in the post-pandemic future because they are signs of a paradigm shift rather than a temporary change. This is valid for the accelerating technological change too.


The paper covers:
  1. The broader impact of new ways of working such as work-from-home, Virtual First, and Contactless
  2. The industry specific impact in Manufacturing, Logistics, and Retail, from applications such as the Industrial Internet of Things, Supply Chain Resilience, and Virtual First
  3. New demands to the digital workplace and digital processes
  4. The transformation of businesses based on the ‘new normal’ and experiences of the pandemic
  5. Why ERP remains central to new demands and provides a platform for digital business development
We also present a customer case story from Schalins Ringar, a manufacturer of jewelry, to highlight the successful application of some of the most important conclusions in the report.
The paper concludes with insights and practical recommendations for the ERP customer based on the findings and best practice outlined in the report.

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